2007, Volume 10, Issue 4
Special Issue on "Current Approaches to Network-Based Learning in Scandinavia"
Guest Editor(s): Marcelo Milrad and Per Flensburg
Special Issue Articles
Guest Editorial: Current Approaches to Network-Based Learning in Scandinavia
Marcelo Milrad and Per Flensburg
Dynamic Assessment and the “Interactive Examination”
Anders Jönsson, Nikos Mattheos, Gunilla Svingby, Rolf Attström
Participation in an Educational Online Learning Community
Anders D. Olofsson
Framing Work-Integrated e-Learning with Techno-Pedagogical Genres
Lars Svensson, Christian Östlund
Netlearning and Learning through Networks
Mikael Wiberg
Anytime, Anywhere Learning Supported by Smart Phones: Experiences and Results from the MUSIS Project
Marcelo Milrad, Daniel Spikol
Sanna Järvelä, Piia Näykki, Jari Laru, Tiina Luokkanen
Full Length Articles
Implementation of an Improved Adaptive Testing Theory
Mansoor Al-A'ali
Measures of Partial Knowledge and Unexpected Responses in Multiple-Choice Tests
Shao-Hua Chang, Pei-Chun Lin, Zih-Chuan Lin
Standardization from Below: Science and Technology Standards and Educational Software
Kenneth R. Fleischmann
Ying-Shao Hsu, Hsin-Kai Wu, Fu-Kwun Hwang
Analysis of Computer Teachers’ Online Discussion Forum Messages about their Occupational Problems
Deniz Deryakulu, Sinan Olkun
The Learning Computer: Low Bandwidth Tool that Bridges Digital Divide
Russell Johnson, Elizabeth Kemp, Ray Kemp, Peter Blakey
Reliability and Validity of Authentic Assessment in a Web Based Course
Raimundo Olfos, Hildaura Zulantay
Transforming Classroom Teaching & Learning through Technology: Analysis of a Case Study
Rosa Maria Bottino, Elisabetta Robotti
The Relationship of Kolb Learning Styles, Online Learning Behaviors and Learning Outcomes
Hong Lu, Lei Jia, Shu-hong Gong, Bruce Clark
In an Economy for Reusable Learning Objects, Who Pulls the Strings?
Tim Linsey, Christopher Tompsett
Agoritsa Gogoulou, Evangelia Gouli, Maria Grigoriadou, Maria Samarakou, Dionisia Chinou
Seven Problems of Online Group Learning (and Their Solutions)
Tim S. Roberts, Joanne M. McInnerney
Using Computers to Individually-generate vs. Collaboratively-generate Concept Maps
So Young Kwon, Lauren Cifuentes
Instructional Design for Best Practice in the Synchronous Cyber Classroom
Megan Hastie, Nian-Shing Chen, Yen-Hung Kuo
Book Reviews
Cases on Global e-Learning Practices: Successes and Pitfalls
Reviewer: Richard Malinski
Website Reviews
WordChamp: Learn Language Faster
Reviewer: Ferit Kılıçkaya
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