Educational Technology & Society (ET&S) had Impact Factor of 4.595 and 5-Year impact factor of 4.737 according to Thomson Scientific 2023 Journal Citation Report.

Educational Technology & Society (ET&S) sits at 22nd among 756 journals with all indexes (SSCI; SCIE; ESCI) under the  category of education & educational research, placing the journal in a high position among key journals in our field.

Educational Technology & Society is listed #15 in Google Scholar Top Publications in Educational Technology.


Published by

International Forum of Educational Technology & Society

Hosted by

National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan

Supported by

University of North Texas, USA

University of Piraeus, Greece

Bibliographic Information

ISSN: 1436-4522 (online) and 1176-3647 (print) 

DOI: 10.30191/ETS

Abstracting and Indexing

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