2009, Volume 12, Issue 2
Full Length Articles
Effect of Computer-Based Video Games on Children: An Experimental Study
Tsung-Yen Chuang, Wei-Fan Chen
Kuo-An Hwang, Chia-Hao Yang
Pei-Hsuan Hsieh, Francis Dwyer
MEAT: An Authoring Tool for Generating Adaptable Learning Resources
Yen-Hung Kuo, Yueh-Min Huang
A Capstone Experience for Preservice Teachers: Building a Web-Based Portfolio
Leah M. Herner-Patnode, Hea-Jin Lee
Evaluating an Intelligent Tutoring System for Design Patterns: the DEPTHS Experience
Zoran Jeremic, Jelena Jovanovic, Dragan Gasevic
A Markov-based Recommendation Model for Exploring the Transfer of Learning on the Web
Yueh-Min Huang, Tien-Chi Huang, Kun-Te Wang, Wu-Yuin Hwang
An Educational Mobile Blogging System for Supporting Collaborative Learning
Yueh-Min Huang, Yu-Lin Jeng, Tien-Chi Huang
Affective e-Learning: Using “Emotional” Data to Improve Learning in Pervasive Learning Environment
Liping Shen, Minjuan Wang, Ruimin Shen
Wireless Handhelds to Support Clinical Nursing Practicum
Cheng-Chih Wu, Chin-Yuan Lai
Liang-Yi Li, Gwo-Dong Chen
Intra-action, Interaction and Outeraction in Blended Learning Environments
Wu-Yuin Hwang, Jung-Lung Hsu, Alexei Tretiakov, Huey-Wen Chou, Ching-Yuan Lee
CogSkillnet: An Ontology-Based Representation of Cognitive Skills
Petek Askar, Arif Altun
Mikko-Jussi Laakso, Niko Myller, Ari Korhonen
Developmental Progression of Referential Resolution in Comprehending Online Texts
Yu-Fen Yang, Ya-Chen Hung
Attitudes and Satisfaction with a Hybrid Model of Counseling Supervision
Steven R. Conn, Richard L. Roberts, Barbara M. Powell
Modeling Academic Education Processes by Dynamic Storyboarding
Yoshitaka Sakurai, Shinichi Dohi, Setsuo Tsuruta, Rainer Knauf
Book Reviews
Technology-mediated Learning Environments for Young English Learners
Reviewer: Griff Richards
Tips for Teaching with CALL: Practical Approaches to Computer-assisted Language Learning
Reviewer: Ferit Kilickaya
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