2009, Volume 12, Issue 3
Special Issue on "Technology Support for Self-Organized Learners"
Guest Editor(s): Marco Kalz, Rob Koper and Veronika Hornung-Prähauser
Special Issue Articles
Guest Editorial: Technology Support for Self-Organized Learners
Marco Kalz, Rob Koper and Veronika Hornung-Prähauser
Gender Differences in Self-Regulated Online Learning Environment
Erman Yukselturk, Safure Bulut
Visualisation of Interaction Footprints for Engagement in Online Communities
Christian Glahn, Marcus Specht, Rob Koper
Supporting Students to Self-direct Intentional Learning Projects with Social Media
Terje Väljataga, Sebastian Fiedler
Self-Development of Competences for Social Inclusion Using the TENCompetence Infrastructure
Amélie Louys, Davinia Hernández-Leo, Judith Schoonenboom, Ruud Lemmers, Mar Pérez-Sanagustín
Lifelong Learning Organisers: Requirements for Tools for Supporting Episodic and Semantic Learning
Giasemi Vavoula, Mike Sharples
Introducing Live ePortfolios to Support Self Organised Learning
Thomas Kirkham, Sandra Winfield, Angela Smallwood, Kirstie Coolin, Stuart Wood, Louis Searchwell
Effects of the ISIS Recommender System for navigation support in Self-organised Learning Networks
Hendrik Drachsler, Hans Hummel, Bert van den Berg, Jannes Eshuis, Wim Waterink, Rob Nadolski, Adriana Berlanga, Nanda Boers, Rob Koper
Full Length Articles
Analysis of Peer Interaction in Learning Activities with Personal Handhelds and Shared Displays
Chen-Chung Liu, Chen-Wei Chung, Nian-Shing Chen, Baw-Jhiune Liu
Reflections of Students in Their Use of Asynchronous Online Seminars
Mark Groves, John O'Donoghue
A Review of Case-based Learning Practices in an Online MBA Program: A Program-level Case Study
Seung-hee Lee, Jieun Lee, Xiaojing Liu, Curt J. Bonk, Richard J. Magjuka
Construction and Evaluation of Animated Teachable Agents
Bobby Bodenheimer, Betsy Williams, Mattie Ruth Kramer, Karun Viswanath, Ramya Balachandran, Kadira Belynne, Gautam Biswas
Wu-Yuin Hwang, Jia-Han Su, Yueh-Min Huang, Jian-Jie Dong
Design and Implementation of an Object Oriented Learning Activity System
Huan-Yu Lin, Shian-Shyong Tseng, Jui-Feng Weng, Jun-Ming Su
A Multimedia English Learning System Using HMMs to Improve Phonemic Awareness for English Learning
Yen-Shou Lai, Hung-Hsu Tsai, Pao-Ta Yu
Learning with E-lectures: The Meaning of Learning Strategies
Tanja Jadin, Astrid Gruber, Bernad Batinic
Classroom e-Science: Exposing the Work to Make it Work
Hilary Smith, Joshua Underwood, Geraldine Fitzpatrick, Rosemary Luckin
Adaptable Learning Pathway Generation with Ant Colony Optimization
Lung-Hsiang Wong, Chee-Kit Looi
How are Universities Involved in Blended Instruction?
Eunjoo Oh, Suhong Park
Sung-Bin Chang, Chi-Jen Lin, Emily Ching, Hercy N.H. Cheng, Ben Chang, Fei-Ching Chen, Denise Wu, Tak-Wai Chan
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