2011, Volume 14, Issue 2
Full Length Articles
A Collective Case Study of Online Interaction Patterns in Text Revisions
Yu-Fen Yang, Shan-Pi Wu
Comparison of Two Analysis Approaches for Measuring Externalized Mental Models
Sabine Al-Diban, Dirk Ifenthaler
Integrating Annotations into a Dual-slide PowerPoint Presentation for Classroom Learning
Yen-Shou Lai, Hung-Hsu Tsai, Pao-Ta Yu
Students’ Acceptance of Tablet PCs and Implications for Educational Institutions
Omar El-Gayar, Mark Moran, Mark Hawkes
Promoting Internet Safety in Greek Primary Schools: The Teacher’s Role
Panagiotes S. Anastasiades, Elena Vitalaki
Ruben Vanderlinde, Johan van Braak
A Data Management System Integrating Web-based Training and Randomized Trials
Jordana Muroff, Maryann Amodeo, Mary Jo Larson, Margaret Carey, Ralph D. Loftin
Blogging for Informal Learning: Analyzing Bloggers’ Perceptions Using Learning Perspective
Young Park, Gyeong Mi Heo, Romee Lee
Anonymity in Blended Learning: Who Would You Like to Be?
Terumi Miyazoe, Terry Anderson
Ting-Wen Chang, Jenq-Muh Hsu, Pao-Ta Yu
Factors Affecting Information Seeking and Evaluation in a Distributed Learning Environment
Jae-Shin Lee, Hichang Cho
Assessing the Acceptance of a Blended Learning University Course
Nikolaos Tselios, Stelios Daskalakis, Maria Papadopoulou
Podcasting in Education: Student Attitudes, Behaviour and Self-Efficacy
Andrea Chester, Andrew Buntine, Kathryn Hammond, Lyn Atkinson
The Effect of Incorporating Good Learners’ Ratings in e-Learning Content-based Recommender System
Khairil Imran Ghauth, Nor Aniza Abdullah
Efficacy of Simulation-Based Learning of Electronics Using Visualization and Manipulation
Yu-Lung Chen, Yu-Ru Hong, Yao-Ting Sung, Kuo-En Chang
Designing Online Learning Modules in Kinesiology
Brian K. McFarlin, Randi J. Weintraub, Whitney Breslin, Katie C. Carpenter, Kelley Strohacker
Book Reviews
Handbook of Online Learning (2nd Edition)
Reviewer: Martha Burkle
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