2012, Volume 15, Issue 2
Special Issue on "Navigating in the Digital Era: Digital Literacy: Socio-Cultural and Educational Aspects"
Guest Editor(s): Yoram Eshet-Alkalai and Oren Soffer
Special Issue Articles
Yoram Eshet-Alkalai and Oren Soffer
Internet Abuse among Teenagers and Its Relations to Internet Usage Patterns and Demographics
Suzan Lema Gencer, Mustafa Koc
Full Length Articles
An Empathic Avatar in a Computer-Aided Learning Program to Encourage and Persuade Learners
Gwo-Dong Chen, Jih-Hsien Lee, Chin-Yeh Wang, Po-Yao Chao, Liang-Yi Li, Tzung-Yi Lee
Evaluating Knowledge Structure-based Adaptive Testing Algorithms and System Development
Huey-Min Wu, Bor-Chen Kuo, Jinn-Min Yang
Hong-Ren Chen, Jhen-Gang Huang
Passively Classifying Student Mood and Performance within Intelligent Tutors
Robert A. Sottilare, Michael Proctor
Integrating Algorithm Visualization Video into a First-Year Algorithm and Data Structure Course
Pilu Crescenzi, Alessio Malizia, M. Cecilia Verri, Paloma Díaz, Ignacio Aedo
An Assessment of E-training Effectiveness in Multinational Companies in Malaysia
Thurasamy Ramayah, Noor Hazlina Ahmad, Tan Say Hong
A Clustering Methodology of Web Log Data for Learning Management Systems
Stavros Valsamidis, Sotirios Kontogiannis, Ioannis Kazanidis, Theodosios Theodosiou, Alexandros Karakos
Blogging for Information Management, Learning, and Social Support during Internship
Samuel K. W. Chu, Alvin C. M. Kwan, Peter Warning
Using Mobile Learning to Improve the Reflection: A Case Study of Traffic Violation
Yu-Feng Lan, Shin-Ming Huang
Educational Affordances of a Ubiquitous Learning Environment in a Natural Science Course
Tan-Hsu Tan, Min-Sheng Lin, Yu-Ling Chu, Tsung-Yu Liu
Reducing the Impact of Inappropriate Items on Reviewable Computerized Adaptive Testing
Yung-Chin Yen, Rong-Guey Ho, Wen-Wei Liao, Li-Ju Chen
Designing Hypercontextualized Games: A Case Study with LieksaMyst
Carolina Islas Sedano, Erkki Sutinen, Mikko Vinni, Teemu H. Laine
Adaptively Ubiquitous Learning in Campus Math Path
Shu-Chuan Shih, Bor-Chen Kuo, Yu-Lung Liu
Influence of Game Quests on Pupils’ Enjoyment and Goal-pursuing in Math Learning
Zhi-Hong Chen, Calvin C. Y. Liao, Hercy N. H. Cheng, Charles Y. C. Yeh, Tak-Wai Chan
Instructor Learning Styles as Indicators of Online Faculty Satisfaction
Ryan McLawhon, Marc Cutright
Yu-Chen Hsu, Hsin Ning Jessie Ho, Chin-Chung Tsai, Gwo-Jen Hwang, Hui-Chun Chu, Chin-Yeh Wang, Nian-Shing Chen
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