2000, Volume 3, Issue 3
Special Issue on "On-line Collaborative Learning Environments"
Guest Editor(s): Roger Hartley
Formal Discussion Summaries
Can Abstraction be Used as a Unifying Guideline to Design Intelligent Educational Systems?
Moderator(s): Ruddy Lelouche, Summarizer(s): Magali Seguran
Knowledge Transfer and Technology in Education: Toward a Complete Learning Environment
Moderator(s) and Summarizer(s): Ania Lian
Communications Technology and Personal Identity Formation
Moderator(s) and Summarizer(s): Leslie Henrickson
Implementing Virtual Learning Environments: Looking for Holistic Approach
Moderator(s) and Summarizer(s): Mario Barajas, Martin Owen
Conference Announcements
Special Issue Articles
Sub-Theme: Collaborative Systems
Different (Key)strokes for Different Folks: Designing online venues for professional communities
Liwana S. Bringelson, Tom Carey
An Agent Infrastructure to set Collaborative Environments
Carlos José M. Olguín, Armando Luiz N. Delgado, Ivan Luiz M. Ricarte
The Virtual School: An Integrated Collaborative Environment for the Classroom
Philip L. Isenhour, John M. Carroll, Dennis C. Neale, Mary Beth Rosson, Daniel R. Dunlap
NetChat: Communication and Collaboration via WWW
Reinhard Kreutz, Sven Kiesow, Klaus Spitzer
Web-Supported Emergent-Collaboration In Higher Education Courses
Rafi Nachmias, David Mioduser, Avigail Oren, Judith Ram
Acquiring Working Knowledge through Asynchronous Multimedia Conferencing
Cleo Sgouropoulou, Anastasios Koutoumanos, Peter Goodyear, Emmanuel Skordalakis
Increasing Access to Learning With Hybrid Audio-Data Collaboration
Michael W. Freeman, Lawrence W. Grimes, J. Ray Holliday
The NetAcademy as a Medium for Learning Communities
Sabine Seufert
The Knowledge Depot: Building and Evaluating a Knowledge Management System
Beatrix Zimmermann, Michael Atwood, Sabina Webb, Michael Kantor
Sub-Theme: The Pedagogies of Collaborative Learning
Pre-class Planning to Scaffold Students for Online Collaborative Learning Activities
Xun Ge, Kelly Ann Yamashiro, Jack Lee
Using BSCW in Learning & Teaching
Pat Jefferies, Ian Constable
Dynamic Goal-Based Role-Play Simulation on the Web: A Case Study
Som Naidu, Albert Ip, Roni Linser
Sub-Theme: Collaborative Interactions
Peer Feedback in Synchronous Writing Environments: A Case Study in French
Trude Heift, Catherine Caws
Conferencing in Communities of Learners: Examples from Social History and Science Communication
Ann Jones, Eileen Scanlon, Canan Blake
Law On-Line: A Collaborative, Web-Based Journey in the Law and Social Sciences
Cynthia L. Cates, Wayne V. McIntosh
Identifying Collaboration Patterns in Collaborative Telelearning Scenarios
Barbara Wasson, Anders I. Mørch
Sub-Theme: Applications
Bridging Gaps Between Cultures, Classrooms and Schools
Johanna E. Cena
The FORESEE Project: Connecting Communities to Create Competence
Cathy L. Crossland, Larry K. Monteith, Thomas K. Miller, Lynne B. Brock, Roel Cuejilo, Mary Anne Wheeler, Rebecca Viersen, Laura Zielinski
The Mystery Project: Bridging the Gap On-line
Esther J Dunbar, Susan Linklater, David Oakey
Parallel On-Line and In-Class Sections of “Writing for the Professions”: A Practical Experiment
Victoria Hay, Dennis Isbell
Steps toward Computer-supported Collaborative Learning for Large Classes
Stefano Renzi, Jane Klobas
Task Structuring for On-line Problem Based Learning: A Case Study
Vanessa Paz Dennen
Using Case Method and Experts in Inter-University Electronic Learning Teams
Anne Hoag, Thomas F. Baldwin
An Evaluation of Computer Mediated Communication to Support Group Discussion in Continuing Education
Dr. Rachel Pilkington, Dr. Catherine Bennett, Dr. Sarah Vaughan
Collaborative Learning via the Internet
Karen Ragoonaden, Pierre Bordeleau
Learning through Collaboration in a Distributed Education Environment
Pete Thomas, Linda Carswell
Sub-Theme: Building Learning Communities
A Framework for Enabling an Internet Learning Community
Elizabeth Sklar, Jordan Pollack
Role of Contracts in Enhancing Community Building in Web Courses
Karen L. Murphy, Sue E. Mahoney, Tina J. Harvell
e-Learning Innovation through the Implementation of an Internet Supported Learning Environment
David Smith, Glenn Hardaker
Sub-Theme: Teacher Education and Staff Development
Teacher Collaboration in a Networked Community
Daniel R. Dunlap, Dennis C. Neale, John M. Carroll
Using Technologies in Teaching: An Initiative in Academic Staff Development
Christine Spratt, Stuart Palmer, Dr Jo Coldwell
The Civil War Project: Project-based Collaborative Learning in a Virtual Space
J. Scott Payne, Nils S. Peterson
Results of a Telecollaborative Activity involving Geographically Disparate Preservice Teachers
Kara M. Dawson, Cheryl L. Mason, Philip Molebash
Group Processes Online: Teaching Collaboration through Collaborative Processes
Kath Fisher, Renata Phelps, Allan Ellis
Using Computer-mediated Communication to Form a Knowledge-Building Community with Beginning Teachers
Brian Ferry, Julie Kiggins, Garry Hoban, Lori Lockyer
Roy Barton, Michelle Selinger
Full Length Articles
Involving Effectively Teachers and Students in the Life Cycle of an Intelligent Tutoring System
Maria Virvou, Victoria Tsiriga
Invited Articles
Towards a Philosophy of Instruction
J. Michael Spector
Website Reviews
Reviewer: Sue Elwood-Salinas
Reviewer: Peter Paolucci
Book Reviews
How Teachers Learn Technology Best
Reviewer: Richard Malinski
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