2002, Volume 5, Issue 1
Special Issue on "Integrating Technology into Learning and Working (Part 1)"
Guest Editor(s): J. Michael Spector and Xuemei Wang
Special Issue Articles
Guest Editorial: Integrating Technology into Learning and Working (Part 1)
J. Michael Spector and Xuemei Wang
The Sociability of Computer-supported Collaborative Learning Environment
Karel Kreijns, Paul A. Kirschner, Wim Jochems
The Experience of Practitioners with Technology-enhanced Teaching and Learning
Som Naidu, David Cunnington, Carol Jasen
Assessing Group Learning and Shared Understanding in Technology-mediated Interaction
Ingrid Mulder, Janine Swaak, Joseph Kessels
Sub-Theme: Aspects of Technology Integration
Establishing Connections: Interactivity Factors for a Distance Education Course
Diane Berger Ehrlich, Ph.D.
Keeping it Flexible: Integrating Technology into Distance Education in the South Pacific
Melissa Gold, Jennie Swann, Irene Yee Chief
Learning from a Pilot Project to put a College IT Curriculum Online
Irené Novaczek, Martha Gabriel
Sub-Theme: Differing Perceptions in School Settings
Integrating Learning Technology into Classrooms: The Importance of Teachers’ Perceptions
Chris Cope, Peter Ward
Leadership for Technology Integration: The Role of Principals and Mentors
Tanna Kincaid, Lisa Feldner
Collaborative Multimedia Development Teams in Higher Education
Gabi Diercks-O’Brien, Ruth Sharratt
Sub-Theme: Cultural Considerations
Overcoming Social and Psychological Barriers to Effective On-line Collaboration
Sandra C. Hughes, Leah Wickersham, David L. Ryan-Jones, Sara A. Smith
Sub-Theme: Systems and Environments
Creating Shared Knowledge: Instructional Knowledge Management Systems
Gerald S. Edmonds, Rob Pusch
Sub-Theme: Frameworks for Evaluation and Assessment
A Framework for Evaluating Computer Supported Collaborative Learning
Jim Ewing, David Miller
Automated Tutorial and Assignment Assessment
Roger F. Browne
Sub-Theme: Examples
Interactive Astronomy in Elementary Schools
David McKinnon, Helen Geissinger
Learning to Look: Real and Virtual Artifacts
Janet Rountree, William Wong, Robert Hannah
“Let my laptop lead the way”: A Middle Eastern Study
Bradley Saunders, Phil Quirke
Sub-Theme: Individual Differences/Abilities
IT-Giftedness in Children and Adolescents
Julia D. Babaeva, Alexander E. Voiskounsky
Sub-Theme: Reviews
Distance Learning Development and Delivery Applications
David A. Tiedemann
Sub-Theme: Synthesis
Integrating Technology into Learning: A Summary View of Promises and Problems
Tiffany A. Koszalka, Xuemei Wang
Conference Announcements
Full Length Articles
Teaching Motor Disability Assessment over the Web: MODASPECTRA
Salvatore Valenti, Sandro Fioretti, Maurizio Maurizi, Maurizio Panti, Tommaso Leo
Invited Articles
Creating Lifelong Learners through Quality Assurance
James Schoening
Book Reviews
Learning to Change: ICT in Schools
Reviewer: RG Baird
Online Learning in the European Community: New Learning
Reviewer: Jason Nolan, PhD
Reviewer: Brent Muirhead
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