2003, Volume 6, Issue 1

Special Issue on "Training Issues for Successful ICT Innovation in Companies"

Guest Editor(s): Paola Forcheri and Alfonso Quarati

Special Issue Articles

Sub-Theme: The Influence of the Human Factor on Technology-driven Changes

Designing and Learning: Joining the Concepts in Work Practices

Rodrigo Bonacin, M. Cecilia C. Baranauskas, Rafael Martinez Cecilia

Sub-Theme: Learning Needs Brought about by ICT Innovation in Companies

Sub-Theme: Assessment of Small Companies Attitude towards ICT based Organisation

Sub-Theme: The Support of Educational Technology to the Training about Technological Innovation

Full Length Articles

The Use of SMIRP for the Rapid Design and Implementation of Pedagogical Constructs: Case Study of a Question-answer-reference Framework

Jean-Claude Bradley, Donald McEachron, David Dorsey, Benjamin Samuel, Sundar Babu, Jeremy Boecker, Mohammad Haghkar, Jay Bhatt

Teacher Training on Technology-Enhanced Instruction – A Holistic Approach

Seng Chee Tan, Chun Hu, Siew Koon Wong, C. Marissa Wettasinghe

Book Reviews

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