2004, Volume 7, Issue 3
Formal Discussion Summaries
Motivation and Hygiene as a Framework for eLearning Practice
Moderator(s) and Summarizer(s): Mark Nichols
Law of the Minimum in Learning
Moderator(s) and Summarizer(s): M. Yasar Özden
Full Length Articles
Student Attitudes to Learning Business Statistics: Comparison of Online and Traditional Methods
Pannee Suanpang, Peter Petocz, Walter Kalceff
Toward a Web based Environment for Evaluation and Design of Pedagogical Hypermedia
Philippe C. Trigano, Ecaterina Pacurar-Giacomini
Utilisation-Focused Evaluation of ICT in Education: The Case of DFAQ Consultation Space
Dick Ng’ambi, Irwin Brown
Factors Contributing to the Successful Implementation of Technology Innovations
David C. Ensminger, Daniel W. Surry, Barry E. Porter, Dawn Wright
Online Learning: Social Interaction and the Creation of a Sense of Community
Joanne M McInnerney, Tim S Roberts
Representing the Learning Design of Units of Learning
Rob Koper, Bill Olivier
Modeling Educational Content: The Cognitive Approach of the PALO Language
Miguel Rodríguez-Artacho, M. Felisa Verdejo Maíllo
Job Announcements
Book Reviews
Online Collaborative Learning: Theory and Practice
Reviewer: Michael Coghlan
E-Education Applications: Human Factors and Innovative Approaches
Reviewer: Amar Almasude
Developing Innovation in Online Learning: An Action Research Framework
Reviewer: Lynn M. Hunt
Learning Technology in Transition: From Individual Enthusiasm to Institutional Implementation
Reviewer: Muhammad K. Betz
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