2006, Volume 9, Issue 3
Special Issue on "Next Generation e-Learning Systems: Intelligent Applications and Smart Design"
Guest Editor(s): Demetrios G. Sampson and Peter Goodyear
Special Issue Articles
Guest Editorial: Next Generation e-Learning Systems: Intelligent Applications and Smart Design
Demetrios G. Sampson and Peter Goodyear
Peng-Yeng Yin, Kuang-Cheng Chang, Gwo-Jen Hwang, Gwo-Haur Hwang, Ying Chan
K. Robert Lai, Chung Hsien Lan
Ontology Mapping and Merging through OntoDNA for Learning Object Reusability
Ching-Chieh Kiu, Chien-Sing Lee
FODEM: Developing Digital Learning Environments in Widely Dispersed Learning Communities
Jarkko Suhonen, Erkki Sutinen
From Research Resources to Learning Objects: Process Model and Virtualization Experiences
José Luis Sierra, Alfredo Fernández-Valmayor, Mercedes Guinea, Héctor Hernanz
Mining Formative Evaluation Rules Using Web-based Learning Portfolios for Web-based Learning Systems
Chih-Ming Chen, Chin-Ming Hong, Shyuan-Yi Chen, Chao-Yu Liu
Formal Method of Description Supporting Portfolio Assessment
Yasuhiko Morimoto, Maomi Ueno, Isao Kikukawa, Setsuo Yokoyama, Youzou Miyadera
A Systemic Activity based Approach for Holistic Learning & Training Systems
Hansjörg von Brevern, Kateryna Synytsya
Full Length Articles
Campus Laptops: What Logistical and Technological Factors are Perceived Critical?
Robert Cutshall, Chuleeporn Changchit, Susan Elwood
Students’ Preferences on Web-Based Instruction: Linear or Non-linear
Nergiz Ercil Cagiltay, Soner Yildirim, Meral Aksu
Student-Generated Visualization as a Study Strategy for Science Concept Learning
Yi-Chuan Jane Hsieh, Lauren Cifuentes
On Improving Spatial Ability Through Computer-Mediated Engineering Drawing Instruction
Ahmad Rafi, Khairul Anuar Samsudin, Azniah Ismail
A Web Environment to Encourage Students to do Exercises Outside the Classroom: A Case Study
Laurence Capus, Frédéric Curvat, Olivier Leclair, Nicole Tourigny
Shakir Hussain, Jörgen Lindh, Ghazi Shukur
The Effects of a Computer-Assisted Interview Tool on Data Quality
Justus J. Randolph, Marjo Virnes, Ilkka Jormanainen, Pasi J. Eronen
Yi-Chan Deng, Taiyu Lin, Kinshuk, Tak-Wai Chan
A Visualization Tool for Managing and Studying Online Communications
William J. Gibbs, Vladimir Olexa, Ronan S. Bernas
Dick Ng’ambi, Kevin Johnston
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